Joe Biden and the “13 Reasons Why” team got together to fight against rape culture

During his time as vice president, Joe Biden launched It’s On Us, a sexual assault awareness and prevention program. A key component of the program focuses on getting men involved in the fight against rape culture — whether it’s calling their peers out for inappropriate gestures or remarks, or intervening when they they believe a woman is in danger. Now, Biden has teamed up with the 13 Reasons Why team to raise sexual assault awareness.

During an event at George Mason University, the former vice president emphasized that "both men and women have an obligation to help survivors in any way they can."

Biden was joined by 13 Reasons Why actress Alisha Boe and producer Joy Gorman.

The Netflix series includes scenes of Boe’s character being raped while she’s incapacitated from alcohol.

“We want the survivors in the room today to know that your voice matters, your story is important, and your truth is real, Boe told the audience. “You are never, ever, ever alone.

Biden drove home the point that silence doesn’t equal consent — and extremely intoxicated women can’t consent at all.

“Guys, a woman who’s dead drunk cannot consent," he said. "You are raping her."

The former VP, who’s never been one to mince words, also emphasized that boys and men need to speak up when their peers perpetuate rape culture by using degrading rhetoric.

“You’ve got to speak up, Biden said. “You cannot let that kind of talk be bred on the college campus. You’ve got to do what I’ve done, what my father taught me. Turn and say, you’re a horse’s tail. Only a little more graphic.

It’s On Us was launched in 2014 and Biden has given 10 speeches to date. We’re so grateful that he’ll continue the incredibly important fight against sexual violence as a private citizen.

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