Jodie Sweetin snapped a pic with Kimmy Gibbler and Big Bird and our childhoods just came full freaking circle

For glaringly obvious reasons, Full House (and by default, Fuller House) has a special place in our hearts. And that means we follow closely when our fave gal Jodie Sweetin posts a pic on social media during a hang out with Andrea Barber (aka Kimmy Gibbler)!
We’ve seen Sweetin recently post pics with Lucy from Seventh Heaven and she’s also posted weekend snaps with Candace Cameron Bure, so it’s nice to get even MORE sweet nostalgia from her! This Insta post was extra-special, because it involved a run-in with Sesame Street‘s Big Bird and Cookie Monster!
No, really it did. Get a load of this:
"Omg!! This made my day! @andreabarber and I went for a little stroll through Central Park in NYC and there was Big Bird and Cookie Monster!! #mychildhood #cisforcookie #sesamestreet #hibird"
This is just too adorable for words. Not gonna lie, we’re feeling kinda jealous. Can these Sesame Street characters make an appearance in our neck of the woods? Seriously though, it’s great to see these old friends chilling together in the park.
And Barber’s Instagram post, she said these kind words about her friendship with Sweetin and her other co-stars:
"Press day for #FullerHouse in NYC, followed by a walk through Central Park with @jodiesweetin and a Big Bird selfie, followed by an amazing Greek dinner date and heart-to-heart with @candacecbure. There is nothing more wonderful and heart-warming than getting to work with your best friends."
Awww! So many #friendshipgoals flying around right now. Cheers, guys!
BRB… gonna go binge watch some Fuller House. And maybe Full House too. Maybe DEFINITELY DOING THAT RIGHT NOW.