Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer are BFFs and all is right in the world

If there is one thing in this whole wide world that makes sense, it’s that Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer are pals. Pals who vacation and go jet skiing together! J-Law, who you maaay know from a few little movies like The Hunger Games and Silver Linings Playbook, was spotted on Amy Schumer’s Instagram account this morning. The Trainwreck writer and star posted a fun pic of the two ladies out in the water having a blast with the caption “Jlaw #maniac.” We love love love it.

According to Nylon, their friendship started to bloom when, at Comic Con, Lawrence mentioned the idea of Schumer being on The Bachelorette — and started a Kickstarter to make sure it happened. Apparently, Schumer flipped out in excitement, because who wouldn’t flip out if JLaw wanted to start a Kickstarter in your honor for such a hilarious reason?

Schumer and Lawrence weren’t the only ones on this dream vacation together —Schumer rounded up all her lady friends and posted this pic of them chilling on some floaties. Paired with the photo is the caption “Binders of women.”

It’s so rad to see two talented, funny women befriend one another. In a society that so often pits famous women against each other, it’s super refreshing to see Lawrence and Schumer support each other in their professional endeavors, as well as their jet ski adventures. We heart you two big time!

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Of course Jennifer Lawrence can do a spot-on Cher impression