J.K. Rowling had something absolutely amazing to say after last night’s election results

There are a ton of conflicting feelings and emotions swirling around last night’s incredibly historic presidential election. And, as usual, one of our most beloved people had something incredibly wise to share in the aftermath.
As in, J.K. Rowling’s election Tweets called out the issue of bullying in the most heartfelt, eloquent, and baddass way possible.
Remember when she had an incredibly wise thing to say about Trump’s debate performance? And the time she made a really good point about freedom of speech? Somehow, Rowling always has the right words! This time, her Tweets were focused on calling out Trump-supporting internet trolls who attack her online.
I've been called bitch, 'libtard' and plenty more tonight. Quite proud really; who'd want these people's approval? #DegenerateArmy https://t.co/f1i73HrrnG
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) November 9, 2016
When a Twitter user told her to stop paying them attention because it would only fuel more mean comments, Rowling’s responses were bold.
Ramon, I know you mean well, but tonight of all nights I'm going to say it. Ignoring spite, and hate, and bullying, doesn't work. https://t.co/VF6NePPySm
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) November 9, 2016
The easy thing is to be silenced because you don't want the insults. The easy thing is to look the other way when it's happening to others. https://t.co/VF6NePPySm
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) November 9, 2016
And here’s where the brilliant challenge comes in.
The easy thing is to keep your head down & let the bullies run amok. The right thing to do is to challenge racism, misogyny and hatred. https://t.co/VF6NePPySm
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) November 9, 2016
How do we move forward? We become stronger than ever before.
We stand together. We stick up for the vulnerable. We challenge bigots. We don't let hate speech become normalised. We hold the line. https://t.co/ro9AkRSc9Q
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) November 9, 2016
I don't give a damn what trolls feel. Speaking up is about letting the people who are being intimidated know they're not alone. https://t.co/aPcd2gzAdg
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) November 9, 2016
Even after being trolled, Rowling maintained her sense of humor.
I stand chastened. What the world needs now is more anonymous hate frogs. Dazzle us with your insights and empathy, do. pic.twitter.com/z3OLTi9JdC
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) November 9, 2016
Asked to mind her own business, Rowling reminded the world about this fact.
This is everyone's business. Your decision has global implications. https://t.co/Ri8umlxbn2
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) November 9, 2016
As you move through the day today and fully digest the election result, let Rowling’s power mantra echo in your mind:
“We stand together. We stick up for the vulnerable. We challenge bigots. We don’t let hate speech become normalized. We hold the line.”
She is absolutely 100% right, and as intelligent women and men we must challenge ourselves and others to be the best people and fight for issues we believe in. ALWAYS.
Thanks for the reminder, madame.