Jimmy Kimmel’s “I ate your Halloween candy” prank is back, and this may be the best year yet

Another Halloween has come and gone, which for many of us means one thing: Another round of Jimmy Kimmel’s “Hey, Jimmy Kimmel, I told my kids I ate their Halloween candy” videos. BLESSED BE.
For the uninitiated, the segment entails (real-life) parents filming their kids as they tell them they ate all their hard-earned Halloween candy (don’t worry…they didn’t really). The reactions are usually intense, angry, and always hilarious. Kimmel started the prank in 2011, and it’s been a fan-favorite ever since.
Here’s the compilation from Halloween 2018. You’re welcome.
We genuinely don’t know which reactions we love more—the sad, the livid, or the apathetic shrug (yes, one little boy definitely didn’t seem to care nearly as much as his parents clearly expected). One little girl stood stony faced, merely saying, “I’m disappointed at you.” Another kid didn’t seem mad at all, stating, “I could never be mad at you because you’re my mommy” (to which his mom aptly replied, “You’re too sweet. It’s gross.”).
Thank you, Jimmy Kimmel. We needed this.