Parents tell kids they ate their Halloween candy. Jimmy Kimmel, world laugh maniacally.
Although the joy of Halloween is now over, for the past five years we’ve had one post-trick-or-treating surprise to look forward to. Every year, Jimmy Kimmel asks parents to totally psych their kids out by pretending they ate all their hard-earned Halloween candy. We officially have this year’s video, and it doesn’t disappoint.
Using the hashtag #HeyJimmyKimmelIToldMyKidsIAteAllTheirHalloweenCandy, parents shared video of their children’s varied reactions to the heartbreaking news. This year, Jimmy got a record number of submissions — close to 1,000, actually.
“Every year I think kids are going to know, they watch the videos, they won’t fall for it,” he says. But fortunately, kids haven’t caught on yet.
There are a lot of good ones this year, including one little boy who just falls onto his back and lays there. Seriously, no reaction other than an immediate collapse. Most kids cry, and some straight up freak out. I mean, they knocked on a lot of doors to get that candy!
But the best is definitely a tie. Two boys immediately know what’s up, and smile while saying, “This is totally Jimmy Kimmel related.”
Meanwhile, another little boy responds, “How?! Get a job!”
We know it’s slightly cruel, but someday these kids will look back on the whole thing and laugh. Or not.
(Image via Youtube)