Rejoice! We get six more years of Jimmy Fallon on ‘The Tonight Show’

Can you handle staying up till the 11:30 p.m. hour for the next six years? Get ready to, because that’s how long Jimmy Fallon is going to stick around as host of the Tonight Show — if not longer. NBC announced earlier today that they have extended his contract through the 2021 season. Honesty, we wish Fallon’s contract could be extended FOREVER, but we won’t get greedy.

With the late night playing field full of brand new players (like, the fabulousness that James Corden is currently doing, not to mention the future fabulousness that Stephen Colbert is going to do), NBC wants to make sure they’ve locked Fallon down for years to come. NBC Entrainment chairman Bob Greenblat, referred to Fallon as late night’s most “versatile star,” and then added, “we’re elated that [Fallon] is going to be around in the role he was born to play.”

You guys are elated? We’re writing a Thank You Note right now, which goes a little something like [cue the music]: Dear NBC, you guys rock.

Six more years of Fallon means six more years of epic lip sync battles. Six more years of Box of Lies. Six more years of Lip Flip. Six more years of the Tonight Show barbershop quartet, The Ragtime Gals! AND don’t forget all the times he’s performed our favorite songs with classroom instruments, with The Roots’ help, of course.

We’ve got a lot to look forward to over roughly the next 2,000 days with Fallon. We can start counting those days as of, well, right now. Because Fallon’s already a part of our lives every single night.

(Image via NBC.)