Jimmy Fallon and Tracy Morgan played “Pup Quiz,” and the cuteness is almost too much

Out of all of Jimmy Fallon’s segments, the cutest one has to be “Pup Quiz.” It’s the game where instead of winning points, you win a puppy. To cuddle. Is there honestly anything more rewarding and magical than that?? No.

Stopping by The Tonight Show on Monday night, old pals Fallon and Morgan found themselves in comfy reclining chairs, ready to play. If it appears as if the questions were rigged in Morgan’s favor, you’d be correct — he at one point had FIVE adorable pups on his lap. Though Fallon makes a surprising comeback at the end, everyone’s a winner here because everyone has PUPPIES. And the puppies keep trying to ESCAPE, but honestly only makes them even CUTER.

This whole thing the most amazing six minutes you’re going to watch today, so go ahead and check out the full video below:

(Image via NBC / YouTube)