Jimmy Fallon dubbed “The Bachelorette” with kids voices and we can’t stop laughing

Sometimes people have truly inspired ideas. One such person? A Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon viewer sent in the suggestion that Fallon and co. should “show what the drama” of The Bachelorette would look like if the guys had “actual kid voices.” The point being, the guys in the house are totally acting their shoe size and not their age.

Well, Jimmy and team took that suggestion to heart and they dubbed an argument between Evan and super-villain Chad, turning their man voices into child voices. Of course they chose the best scene ever too, you know, the one where Evan is getting mad at Chad for ripping/stretching his shirt.


We think our favorite parts might be the long pauses before kid-Chad says “huh” and “what.” Pretty brillz.

If you keep watching the video, another audience suggestion happens to be having a human dress as a panda and dance to the Desiigner song “Panda.” So yeah, make sure to stick around for that too.

Seriously though, can we start a petition to Chris Harrison to have the men dubbed in kid voices when the going gets tough? Oh the joy it would bring us.