Jessica Biel says her biggest style regret is dressing “so sexy”—here’s why

Fashion regrets are a part of life (especially if you lived through the early-aughts…just sayin’). Actress Jessica Biel revealed her own personal biggest style-related regret in an interview with InStyle with fellow actress Ellie Bamber. In the January 23rd interview, Biel said she wished she hadn’t dressed “so sexy” when she was younger.
“I wish I would've explored some different shapes, and not gone so sexy all the time, she said. “I think if you look at some of my earlier choices, maybe it didn't need to always be about the body. I know it’s a vibe that you feel when you're young, but still that’s what I would’ve done a little differently.
While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with dressing sexily and embracing your sexuality through fashion, we also totally understand where Biel is coming from: Sometimes the most interesting and creative style choices are about unexpected cuts and fits that might not mean”sexy” looks in the conventional sense (though, TBH, we find nothing sexier than a bold lewk worn with confidence).
Here are some photos of Biel back in the day (we personally think she looks on point, by the way):
And here’s a more recent photo of the actress taken at the 2018 Emmys:
At the end of the day, feeling sexy is all about what makes you feel good, so we’re just glad Biel is currently living her best fashion life and enjoying experimenting with new looks.