Jessica Biel just poked fun at Justin Timberlake’s voting scandal online, and thankfully he’s a good sport
When you’re coupled up, having a sense of humor can definitely be an asset. And when you’re in the public eye, the ability to laugh at your mistakes is even more refreshing. It looks like Jessica Biel poked fun at Justin Timberlake’s voting snafu through social media, and as we had hoped, Timberlake was extremely fun and lighthearted with his response back.
As you know, Biel and Timberlake have been happily married since October 2012. The two have a son together, named Silas, and seem nothing but supportive of each other.
Timberlake got into some hot water after posting a photo at the polls (an election day no-no), but luckily he’s currently in the clear.
Of course, Biel looks adorable with her sticker — a part of voting that we all love. And of course, Timberlake had a good response. He reposted her picture, but personalized his caption.
And as a reminder to all of you on November 8th, take Justin’s important advice:
“Ps. No selfies in the booth.”
Just remember, voting is a personal and incredible experience! And if you get a sticker afterward, like Biel, even better.
We love the fact that these two can tease each other, and we’re so glad that Timberlake’s honest mistake probably won’t end with any jail time. (Phew.)