Jessica Alba has one big beauty regret and she’s not alone

We have long adored Jessica Alba, who is not only an amazing, caring mother, but also a fantastic entrepreneur who uses her business acumen to make the world a better place. Her companies Honest Company and Honest Beauty are all about products made with non-toxic, natural ingredients. And Alba, who has always been honest about the struggles of being in the spotlight for more than two decades, practiced what she preached in a recent interview with Allure, where she opened up about her past beauty blunders and body acceptance. Below are some of our favorite words of her wisdom:
Her one big beauty regret
“You’re never going to be in the same place emotionally and mentally at 18 that you are at 20 or 25 or 30. Something that’s meaningful to you when you’re younger is not going to be meaningful to you five years later. Understand that tattoos are forever. I have a few tattoos. I’m not into them now the way that I was.”
Less is more
“I actually wore too much makeup when I was a teenager. I wore a full face, and I probably [should have] worn a lot less. I didn’t know that there was the no-makeup makeup look until I was in my 20s. I used to use a foundation stick and just rub it all over my face, and then I would break out. Then I would wear more makeup to cover the breakout. The most important foundation is great skin.”
Your hands matter
“I would tell myself to wear gloves. Back in the day, if I was washing dishes or doing any housework that used a detergent, my hands got ruined. I never used gloves. Now, I have more gentle products so people don’t need to use gloves, but back then I didn’t have that. I would also tell myself to use sunscreen and lotion liberally on my hands. [My hands] are the things that look not-my-age.”
Avoid tanning beds
“I did it a little bit as a teenager and a young adult. I remember it was a trend, and we all used to do it. You put the sticker on to see how dark you got. I would go to my cousins’ dances, like the Sadie Hawkins dance, and we would get a fake tan before. I would never do a tanning bed ever [now].”
Don’t overpluck your eyebrows
“I got really excited about hair removal when I started shaving. I plucked the crap out of my eyebrows. I wouldn’t recommend [doing] that because it really is hard for your hair to grow back, if it ever does.”