Stop everything: Jess is coming back to “Gilmore Girls”

Like some foretold prophecy finally coming true, Jess Mariano is going to breeze back into Stars Hollow for the Gilmore Girls revival. Go ahead and yell this news from a window, shout it from a rooftop, tweet it to all your followers, because it’s time break out the #TeamJess paraphernalia. This is happening.
Netflix has officially confirmed that Milo Ventimiglia will reprise his role as the brooding, well-read bad boy. Ventimiglia even tweeted the news himself, sharing a behind-the-scenes picture of his official Gilmore Girls script at a table read earlier in the week.
Notice how he’s carefully hidden the episode’s title? These new episodes will each take place during a different season, and Ventimiglia is playing coy as to just when he’ll pop up, whether it’s Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter. It could be for all four of them, or one of them.
And, is there a chance he could show up at the same time as Rory’s other ex-boyfriend, Logan (played by returning cast member Matt Czuchry)? Or even her other other ex, Dean (Jared Padalecki)? Though there’s no news — YET — if Padalecki will return, TBH it’s only a matter of time before Rory’s Ex Trifecta is complete.
But let’s be real friends, it’s #TeamJess forever.
Gilmore Girls has already started filming, which means soon we’ll be able to see this magical revival with our own eyes.
Now, chant with me: Team Jess! Team Jess! Team Jess!