We’re all kinds of excited for Jennifer Lopez’s new shoe line

Scrolling through Instagram in bed this morning (we know you’re not supposed to look at your phone first thing in the morning but we can’t help it!) we came across a photo from Jennifer Lopez that made our feet do a happy dance.

Now we can confirm that our groggy eyes read that caption right: JLo is launching a new shoe line in collaboration with Giuseppe Zanotti!

via giphy

As if the Queen of Fabulousness and the King of Red Carpet Heels teaming up to design shoes together weren’t exciting enough, the GiuseppexJennifer line will also include handbags. Thank you, Fashion Gods, for smiling upon us!

“I’ve always been passionate about shoes,” JLo told Marie Claire UK. “Sometimes I even choose an outfit around my shoes.” And now we can choose an outfit around Jennifer’s shoes, too.

If you’re already dying for a pair we’d advise you to start saving up now: shoes from the collab will cost you around $700 to $1700. The official launch date is January 2017, so hey, you’ve got awhile to pinch your pennies.

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