Jennifer Lopez got a black eye on set and worked through it like a total badass

You can do just about anything with makeup, like making it appear as though Jennifer Lopez has a black eye, except if you were her makeup artist, you wouldn’t have much work to do because she’s actually sporting a pretty nasty shiner IRL, E! reports.

On Thursday, the actress shared a selfie on Instagram, showing off the gnarly injury she sustained while filming Shades of Blue and while it’s not like her sexy, body-positive selfies, it still sends a message of inspiration and complete badassery. TBQH, we would’ve been tempted to call it a wrap and take the rest of the day off, but J. Lo is such a toughie that she laughed it off and pushed through like a total boss.

“Sometimes work can be rough…lol,” Lopez captioned the photo, adding the hilarious hashtags, “#shiner #blackeye #sufferforyourart#youshouldseetheotherguy #justkidding#nobodyhitme #imalovernotafighter#immafightertoo#youcantputmeinaboxbaby#okimdonewiththehashtags.”

Fine, so we need to work on taking our pain tolerance levels from wimp to warrior, but we’re gonna need extra time to look as fierce as J. Lo while doing it.

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