Jennifer Lawrence says her dog Pippi Longstocking is her child, and we get it

If you’re a dog owner there is nothing more relatable than hearing other owners refer to their dogs as their children! No matter how many pairs of shoes they rip into, the amount of times they wake you up in the morning so they can go outside to pee, or even their constant need to lick your face, we still love them just as they are. So it was no surprise that Jennifer Lawrence shared that her dog Pippi Longstocking is her child! I mean the dog is so precious.
For the Holiday 2016 issue, Jennifer Lawrence appears on the front cover of Vanity Fair. Once you absorb how amazing she looks on the cover (we need this red dress like yesterday) you have to dig into the interview. The article is full of so many relatable snippets, but the biggest one is her relationship with her dog.
According to Lawrence’s Vanity Fair interview, last Christmas her mother commissioned a portrait of Pippi from a 14-year-old fan of Lawrence’s from New Zealand. Once Lawrence saw the piece , she decided to showcase it above her fireplace in her home.
“Fuck it. I am the person who has an acrylic painting of her dog, and proudly showcased it above her fireplace. I am a psychotic dog mom in a way that I am genuinely embarrassed about. If I could put her inside me and give birth to her I would.
Due to the love she has for her dog she jokes that having kids would cause some conflict.
"My kids would be incredibly jealous because I would still be way more attentive to Pippi than I would to them, Lawrence admits.
We have never related to an interview more than we have this one!