Jennifer Lawrence’s next role will be portraying this controversial woman
It’s official y’all! Jennifer Lawrence has a new movie project, and it will be to play the role of Elizabeth Holmes in an upcoming film about the medical company Theranos. J. Law we are here for it.
Now, a short Q&A session.
Q: Who is Elizabeth Holmes?
A: Elizabeth Holmes is the 32-year-old wunderkind who dropped out of Stanford to pursue development of her company Theranos. Last year, Forbes put Holmes at the top of a list of the richest self-made women saying her net worth was estimated at roughly $4.5 billion. Today, they estimate she is worth half that.
Q: What is Theranos?
A: Theranos is a blood-testing company Holmes founded in 2003. The company claimed to have revolutionized how blood tests were done.
Q: So. What’s the drama?
A: There are claims from all over that the Theranos test results are inaccurate. Apparently, the company went so far as to void two year of tests results. Where the drama comes in is that Theranos told the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that incorrect blood results were sent to patients, which likely meant misinformed decisions were made by both patients and doctors. CMS has proposed banning Homes from the blood-testing business for at least two years. Theranos, of course, is trying to defend their company. Basically this whole situation is still a nest of drama.
Q: When can we expect this flick?
A: Super good question! We don’t know yet.
Q: What are our preliminary thoughts?
A: The film is an Adam McKay project which is v. exciting. McKay wrote the screenplay for The Big Short and if he could make the economic crisis snappy, and digestible, and hilarious, we have a feeling he can do the same with this subject matter.
Q: What is Jennifer Lawrence working on now?
A: Lotsa things! Girl is always busy. She is set to star as Fidel Castro’s lover in Marita, she’s also set to star in the space move Passengers opposite Chris Pratt.
This McKay/Lawrence teaming sounds unbeatable though. We’re all in.