Jennifer Hudson’s son dancing like Michael Jackson is genuinely super impressive

Get ready for a Friday treat, because we just got word that Jennifer Hudson filmed her son dancing like Michael Jackson — and it’s officially the perfect break from the realities of our work day.

Now any mega-Hudson fan will probably know that Hudson has an adorable seven-year-old son named David who she often shares pictures of on Instagram. David has always seemed way cool beyond his years (like seriously, his haircut and usual ensembles puts us all to shame), and now we have certifiable proof that he’s also a way (like, way) better dancer than we are too.

Oh, and his musical tastes are also already extremely refined. He’s literally chosen the King of Pop to emulate during his routine. And well, it doesn’t get any better than that. Let’s all watch together:

We told you — impressive, right?! We’re also LOLing at Hudson’s caption:

"I need my good socks, it helps me dance better"

David is LEGIT! And if you now would like to see more Jennifer/David antics, worry not, because we’ve got that for you too.

Here they are rocking their very own mother-son mannequin challenge.

And here they are on the same day hamming it up in front of a Sing poster.


And speaking of Sing, it’s currently out in theaters and stars Hudson along with a TON of other stars. Here’s the trailer, if that doesn’t already entice you.

Now excuse us. We’re feeling a sudden urge to go dance in front of a mirror with some MJ. And we gotta be sure to grab our good socks.