Jennifer Aniston opens up about her chronic health issue, how important it is to pay attention to symptoms

It’s not always easy to be healthy, especially when it’s so much easier to slip into denial than go to the doctor. Denial is free, after all, and makes us feel in control! Unfortunately, the cold, hard truth is that we have to face our bodies in order to take care of them, and Jennifer Aniston just gave us a *major* reminder of how risky it can be to ignore our symptoms.


In an interview with Marie Claire, Jennifer Aniston opened up about a chronic health issue she’s been dealing with for ages.

“I thought it was just me, that my eyes were just sensitive or that I had allergies, and as the years went on and it got a bit worse I just thought, oh, it’s my job—reading scrips it was starting to become painful,” Aniston said. “But then someone actually asked me in an interview, ‘Do you have anything you’re addicted to?’ and I said ‘Eye drops.’”

Like most of us, Aniston thought her health needs were normal, and could be ignored. But she was wrong. According to the American Optometric Association, dry eye is extremely common, usually chronic, and is more likely to occur as we age. In most cases, it’s an easy fix, but not if we ignore it!

“I learned that I had been wrong all this time,” Aniston explained. “It’s a diagnosable condition, which was shocking to me, because I thought I knew a ton in wellness in general because I’m such a wellness freak—but I was so surprised and relieved to find out that it’s a real condition and that you could remedy it.”

Even those of us who obsess about wellness can miss out on health issues that seem small, or normal, and this is a *great* reminder that we need to really pay attention to what’s up.

“Now, the irritation just isn’t there,” Aniston said. “And it’s weird because, you don’t really notice how much eye irritation really gets in your way. Go to the eye doctor!”


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