Jenna Fischer, relatable human, told us the hilarious way Ikea and Target became her #1 parenting hack

If you loved The Office, it’s safe to say you loved Jenna Fischer, too. The actress played relatable receptionist Pam Beesly through the show’s nine seasons and, as we discovered in a recent interview, Fischer is just as down-to-earth and ~regular~ as her beloved character.
In fact, Fischer — who is mom to 6-year-old Weston Lee Kirk and 3-year-old Harper Marie Kirk — chatted with HelloGiggles last week about motherhood, and she told us that there was a time when one her family’s fave weekend destinations was Ikea, and honestly same.
“We lived sort of on a hill and we didn’t have sidewalks, so we would drive to Ikea when [Weston] was a little toddler,” she said. “We would get coffee, and then we would let him toddle through Ikea, and then we would end with an ice cream. It was super safe, everything was really soft. But also he loved that there were arrows on the ground, he loved following the arrows, and then there’s the kids’ section of Ikea. Ikea really is the Disneyland for 18-month olds.”
A truer statement has never been spoken! And, frankly, we’d argue that Ikea is like Disneyland for 20- and 30-somethings, too.
Fischer, who recently partnered with Blue Bunny to give out free ice cream (she loves ice cream!) to surprised strangers, also told us that Target sometimes has a role in her kids’ play. She explained that when her family gets a delivery in a big box, her kids will turn it into something, like a store or a castle. But sometimes they get even more creative.
"I thought it was funny the time they turned it into a Target," she said. "I was like, 'I guess we've been going to Target a lot. We're playing Target right now.'"
We’re patting Harper and Weston on the back for their ingenuity.
But! It’s not all big-box stores in the Fischer-Kirk household. The Splitting Up Together actress told us her kids have made museums before, too.
“The kids go around the house and find things, and then they turn it into a museum,” she said. “They make tickets, and then we have to buy tickets and look at all the things they’ve put on display. That one felt good! Because I was like, ‘Oh good, I’ve exposed them to the idea of museums.’ That felt like a win.”
Jenna, we think you’re doing a bang-up job at this whole parenting thing, and we can’t wait to learn more of your ways. And hopefully we’ll see you at Target or Ikea soon!