Jenna Fischer ran into the Kardashians in Japan and hilariously recreated their vacation pics

We fell in love with Jenna Fischer when she played Pam Beasley on The Office. Even though the show has been over for almost five years now, we still love the moments when we get insight into the characters and their relationships with one another in real life. Fischer is pretty open about her feelings about her former costar/TV husband John Krasinski. Recently, Fischer even described her first kiss with Krasinski, and our hearts melted entirely.
Fischer’s social media game is A+. She is such a genuine person and her humor is seemingly effortless. A Jenna Fischer follow on Instagram will take you far. She shares a lot of great pictures with her IRL BFF Angela Kinsey, who played Angela on The Office. She shares a ton of rad resistance and fight-the-power pics. And her vacation pictures? Incomparable. Especially recently.
It turns out, Fischer happens to be on vacation at the exact same location as the Kardashian sisters. Apparently, Kyoto, Japan is full of very famous Americans right now! Fischer ran into the Kardashians in Japan and of course, took to social media to tell us all about it. In her picture, we can see Kim Kardashian walking with Kourtney Kardashian and maybe Khloe as well. The picture is hilariously paparazzi-esque.
The sisters are all on their phones and apparently unaware that Pam Beasley was right next to them! Naturally, after their run-in, Fischer decided to channel Kourtney’s vacation vibes. She recreated an exact picture that Kourt posted.
Here’s Kourtney’s glamorous picture.
And here’s Fischer’s recreation. Pretty spot on!
Fischer has also documented her sightseeing and snack choices while in Japan.
We are pretty jealous of Kyoto right now. We hope all of the famous beautiful people had great vacations!