This 12-minute video of Jeff Goldblum making soup is the only video that matters anymore

We don’t have to tell you that getting through today is a struggle. You get it, we get it. It’s a Tuesday, which is arguably the worst day of the week (almost as far from next weekend as Monday, without the recent memories from last weekend to keep you going). Coffee isn’t working its magic. You’re tired, we’re tired, today is boring and needs something to spice it up. Thankfully, Jeff Goldblum knew we were all struggling today and is here to save the day. Thank you, sir.

Iconic sex symbol Goldblum teamed up with Funny or Die to make a 12-minute video of him truly just being himself in all his glory, and also cooking soup with Jonathan Gold. Soup is definitely made, but honestly, we would have been hooked even if the video were just Goldblum playing the piano and talking about random topics like how the house that is “ostensibly” his in the video is actually someone else’s, but he could see himself living in it, because yeah, we could see him living in it too. And watching Godblum gallivant around a grocery store while humming a little ditty is like a dream come true.

Really, any video that begins with Goldblum whispering to us through his hand, “This is going to be the most exciting day of my life, ever!” is a great video, 10/10 would definitely watch, because this is going to be the most exciting day of our lives, ever.

But okay, we need to talk about the way that he licks his lips while sounding out the word “food,” because y’all, that is just not fair. No one can handle that.

And how relatable is it when he says he doesn’t know how to cook?! Honestly, that might be the sexiest thing about him yet, and that is definitely *saying something*. Bless you and your wonderful mind, Goldblum.