Jason Segel just teased a “How I Met Your Mother” reunion, so suit up

If you miss spending every night at McLarens Pub, hanging out with your friends and sharing legen — wait for it — dary stories, we’ve got some good news: Marshall Eriksen himself just teased a How I Met Your Mother reunion, and oh my gosh, why has it taken so long to even SUGGEST this?

Over the weekend, The Hollywood Reporter caught up with Jason Segel at the Austin Film Festival, and immediately asked the question that’s been on our minds since the series finale: Have you met Ted Could we one day be blessed with a HIMYM reunion?

“I’d be around for whatever [the creators] wanted to do," Segel answered. "[HIMYM] changed my life.

No way, it changed our lives, too!!


And during this Golden Age of Television Reboots and Revivals, it’s about time someone brought up the idea of bringing back HIMYM. The series ended with a big time jump into the future, where we finally heard ~the end~ of the epic, “kids, this is how I met your mother” story (and spoiler alert: It was all about Robin the whole time, and come on, Ted).

So, sure, we might know what happens to Ted, Marshall, Barney, Lily, and Robin later on down the road, but there’s still lots of stories about this group we haven’t covered — think of all the moments during the show that were teased, but never seen. Think of Slap Bet 2.0!

As for where Segel would like to see the show pick up, he’s leaving that to the writers.

"One of the great things about my relationship to that show is I never got involved in the writing, I just tried to execute what these brilliant writers did, so I would leave [the revival] to them, as usual, said Segel.

Now we just need Josh Radner, Cobie Smulders, Neil Patrick Harris, and Alyson Hannigan to agree to suit up again, too.