The first trailer for Jason Momoa’s Netflix show is here, and it is hella intense

Jason Momoa is one of our favorite people on the planet, for a variety of reasons. In case you’re wondering, right off the bat two of them are that he’s got a super adorable, and precious family that we love to pieces; and he’s just as badass and awesome as he looks in all his Instagram pictures. Now, let’s go ahead and add huge third reason to this list, because the trailer for Jason’s brand new Netflix show is here, and we see a great binge in our future.
Frontier is Netflix’s latest original series, and will follow “the chaotic and violent struggle to control wealth and power in the North American fur trade in the late 18th century…the series takes place in a world where business negotiations might be resolved with close-quarter hatchet fights, and where delicate relations between Native tribes and Europeans can spark bloody conflicts.”
Oh yes, we will binge that.
In the series, Jason stars as Declan Harp, an outlaw fighting against the Hudson’s Bay Company, who are trying to gain control of Canada’s fur trade. Not on Khal Drogo Aquaman Declan’s watch!
The series seems like a perfect mix of action, adventure, and men wearing silly wigs while yelling about trade! We love all these things!
Go ahead and clear your schedule in two weeks. Frontier lands on Netflix on January 20th.