The Wolf Full Moon Is Happening—Here’s What This Means for Your Zodiac Sign

Luck may be on your side.

The wolf full moon in Leo occurs on January 28th, aspecting Mars and Uranus in Taurus. The same day, the sun and Jupiter align in Aquarius, adding luck to the vibe. This will also create a T-square (a planetary opposition and two planetary squares) between the sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.

Venus and Pluto connect in Capricorn, bringing out your passions. All of this energy can be intense. If you take a step back to use the lunar vibe to take action and change your life, you will thrive.

Below is your full moon in Leo horoscope. Make sure to read your rising sign, too.


A shift occurs during this luminary in many places in your life—most notably within your social circles. Be present with the swirling energies, and allow yourself to feel the shift happening around you. Things are moving forward, even if it doesn’t feel that way just yet.


You’re able to feel a sense of security and stability with your finances and career ambitions. Perhaps you are negotiatIng a raise at work or a higher payment for a project you’re working on. It is always good to feel like you have a good foundation to build off of.


You might find yourself super busy, with a mile-high to-do list. Before you rush through projects, try to take your time. Move with ease and grace as you navigate these daily activities. Don’t stress out or worry too much about mundane errands.


There might be a sense of disruption in regards to your resources and finances. The cosmic lesson is to place importance in the necessities. You’re being asked to only invest in what is most authentic in your life. Value all that you love and need, then detach from the rest.


Be open to receiving new insights and ways of perceiving the world around you during this full moon. There is a beautiful alignment in the sky that points to new knowledge—and it’s being sent your way. It may have a big, positive impact on your future if you let it occur.


Disruptive thoughts could permeate your vibe, inviting you to make adjustments in the way you deal with negative thought patterns. In your quest toward a more expansive and free mindset, you’ll continuously have to check the way you’re speaking to yourself. Do so without judgement. Be easy on yourself now.


Conflicts are brewing between your external duties and your close friendships. How can you find a balance between what you need to do to achieve your goals and what you need to do to maintain a healthy relationship? An adjustment is necessary at the moment to keep both aspects flowing.


The work you’ve been putting in day after day is really beginning to pay off, especially monetarily. When your paycheck comes, try to treat yourself to something nice. Get yourself a sweet gift for your budding business or just for yourself. You deserve something new. After all, you’ve earned it!


You’ve been looking to combine your spirituality and belief systems with the people and groups you belong to. You could now come upon a group class, workshop, study group, or something of the like that feels perfect. It’s imperative to find the time to make it work with your schedule.


The lunar vibe is lending you a ton of energy to help you break through emotional blockages. This will allow you to fully lean into your truth and understand yourself on a deeper level. Then, you can work on mending the past and pave the way for a bright future.


The full moon will bring focus to a special relationship and intimate dynamics in your life. In what ways might you project your past experiences onto others or vice versa? Spend some time thinking about patterns you might be stuck in.


You can easily make connections with others during the full moon, whether for romantic reasons or just to connect and collaborate. This is a lovely day for flirting and romantic connections, though, so chat up that cutie at work or have an impromptu date night. Conversations will flow.

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