Jane Lynch responded to a Twitter troll in the most Jane Lynch way possible, and we love her for it

We know we can’t be the only ones who are absolutely crushing on Jane Lynch. From Lynch’s openness about her sexuality to that time she casually rapped Nicki Minaj’s “Anacanda,” the ah-mazing Glee star holds a special place in our hearts. We love her smarts, her talents, and, of course, her snark! So we were *all* about her necessary takedown of a random Twitter troll who decided to mess with the wrong lady.
So here’s what happened: Lynch quote-tweeted a story about a family (including a CHILD) in handcuffs at the airport following Trump’s refugee ban.
Does anybody know what happened to this family? Was the child really handcuffed? Who would do something like this to a child? Dear God. https://t.co/rbuSmgzPtg
— Jane Lynch (@janemarielynch) January 31, 2017
Some rando decided to call Lynch a “weinie,” which was clearly a bad because 1) it’s a bad insult and 2) do you know who you’re talking to?!
@barrytgoldberg 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻You both won the "Oscar of the Liberals" award. Which is a weinie!!!! Oscar Weinie!!! #Libtards
— DeeDee 🇺🇸 (@D2Trump1) January 31, 2017
Being, well, herself, she responded with a *hilarious* bitmoji.
Hey Dee. pic.twitter.com/aydrwLiVKt
— Jane Lynch (@janemarielynch) January 31, 2017
Because seriously, why encourage the trolls?
Instead of playing games with trolls, she’s been tweeting straight up magic, like this tweet.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. And women. Step up, Dems. Or we will not re-hire you.
— Jane Lynch (@janemarielynch) January 30, 2017
And this one, too.
Dang nabbit, I'm proud to be an American. pic.twitter.com/AhSOkrtAxM
— Jane Lynch (@janemarielynch) January 29, 2017
You do your thing, Lynch! We’ve got your back.