James Corden turns “Game of Thrones” into a Broadway musical, and it’s so much better than it sounds

As you’re more than likely aware by now, James Corden has established himself as one of the funniest people to ever roam the planet. A couple of days ago we reported that he played all the Spice Girls in a hilarious ad for Apple music, and now Vulture tells us that he’s done a musical spoof of Game of Thrones!
With a little help from Alan Cumming and Jesse Tyler Ferguson!
Warning…for the rest of the day you MIGHT be singing about how winter is coming, and trying to recreate Corden’s wide-eyed little boy expressions. (Oh yeah, and there’s also a musical spoof of Breaking Bad (where Cumming plays Heisenberg) AND Stranger Things to sink your teeth into in there).
So, prepare accordingly:
This is JUST. TOO. PERFECT. “People come into our lives for a season, but ratings take flight at summer’s end. The wind turns cold, and we don’t know the reason…WINTERRRR IS COMINGGGG!”
Okay, we told you it’d get stuck in your head. Also, it’s pretty safe to say that we’d definitely watch an entire Broadway musical spoof featuring these three guys (HINT HINT).
Dear James, thank you for a brilliant start to our Wednesday. You have an open invitation to come back anytime.