James Corden auditioned to be Deadpool’s sidekick

Right now, Deadpool is probably the hottest superhero on the scene. He’s intense, he’s funny, and specifically, he fights solo. He’s a lone ranger in that way, but James Corden wants things to change. The late-night host came up with a bunch of sidekick ideas and presented them to Ryan Reynolds, star of the hit film. Needless to say, he was not on board.

That’s not because Ryan was being cynical, but because James’s ideas were…well…interesting. They start somewhat normal, such as Ice Man, and devolve into characters like Potato Man and, at one point, just a clam costume.

While it’s totally hilarious, it’s hard to to watch Ryan Reynolds crush James’s dreams, but not to worry. Although none of James’s sidekick ideas would ever in a million years be accepted by Marvel, Ryan had an idea of his own.

Rather than hero and sidekick, the two make an amazing Deadpool and…also Deadpool. In Double Deadpool, two Deadpools take on crime and save the world, and we can’t stop watching.