Jake Johnson once threatened to call 911 on Max Greenfield, and now we have the VIDEO


You might be wondering if the on-screen antics on the set of New Girl translate off-screen, and the answer is yes. Yes they do. The rotating roster of Loft inhabitants — always some combination of Jess, Nick, Schmidt, Winston, and CeCe — are just as close IRL as they are on television, and maybe none more so than Jake Johnson and Max Greenfield. These two are so close, Johnson has threatened to call the cops for Greenfield before.

Oh sorry, not call the cops for Greenfield. Call the cops on Greenfield. Because one day or forever-Schmidt simply…refused to leave Johnson’s trailer.

Is this Johnson and Greenfield imitating Nick and Schmidt, or Schmidt and Nick seeping their way into the actual lives of these real humans? It’s maybe a little of both. At a screening of the New Girl finale on the Fox lot, HelloGiggles caught up with both Johnson and Greenfield, and when asked “what was your favorite thing about working together?” Johnson tells Greenfield to, “Speak from your heart, don’t be funny be sincere, go.”

"One time he threatened to call 911 if I didn't leave [his trailer]," Greenfield states.

As Johnson further explains: “He used to hang out in my trailer in between scenes. One day, I was in a mood. You know, I’m a moody individual and wanted to be alone. I was mad about something, I get mad and walk down this thing, [and Max was in my trailer] and he’s like shut up, and I go, ‘Get out of here,’ genuinely asking him to move—”

“I go, ‘No, what am I going to do then?’” Greenfield interjects. “And Jake goes, ‘I’d like for you to move please I’d just like to be alone.’ And I said no, then I’m going to be alone.”

That’s when Johnson decided that he would “Film this behavior…post it online. [Max is] like, ‘I don’t care, you don’t have any followers.’ I was like, this is abuse, I’m asking you to leave, this isn’t a joke and he goes, ‘What are going to do about it?’ And then I finally I had nothing, and I [threatened to call] 911.

Can you imagine the police showing up for an actual Nick and Schmidt spat? Weird that in seven seasons of New Girl, it never actually escalated to that (or even, yelling for Winston to come and break everything up).

In the end, “[Jake] tried to pour water on me…I’m sure [I’ll get] a lot of sympathy from people, [because I was] the victim,” Greenfield finishes.

Update: Greenfield has uploaded a video of the ~incident~ to Instagram.

[hgisntagram url=https://www.instagram.com/p/Bi0CLQYhzJm]

So to answer the question of “Just how close is the New Girl cast?” Very close. So close, they often joke about having to get law enforcement involved — and kids, please don’t try this at home.

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