Jada Pinkett Smith just proved that son Jaden is basically her twin

We know it’s not surprising when kids look like their parents. How often have we been told that we have our mother’s eyes, or our father’s smile? Like come on, we know we look like the people that we share DNA with — that’s how it works! But still, sometimes, we do freak out when we see people look exactly like their parents, and even more so when said person is Jaden Smith.

In one epic tweet, Jada Pinkett Smith just proved that her son doesn’t only look like his father. Nope, he looks a lot like his mother, too.

In the epic, cross-generational photo, we see Jada in a red vinyl jacket, collar popped, with a black turtleneck and her hair pulled back in a bun. The look on her face is somewhere between, “Who the heck is this random man mansplaining to me?” and “I’m vaguely confused.” But that’s not the best part.

No, that goes to Jaden, who’s making the exact same face as his mom in the photo, while holding up said photo.

Like mother like son, right? Jaden even matched his mama, down to his red jacket. That’s true dedication.

In an interview with Interview Magazine, Jaden Smith said,

"My parents are definitely my biggest role models. And that’s where me and Willow both pull all of our inspiration from to change the world. It all comes from a concept of affecting the world in a positive way and leaving it better than it was than when we came."


We can’t deny we see a strong resemblance between them. And this tweet will definitely go down in history.

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