Item of the Day: Tsubo Shoes
My twenties are winding down, and into my thirties, I will take many life lessons with me. One of the most important life lessons I’ve learned (the hard way, and over and over again), is ‘quality over quantity.’ I used to look at an expensive pair of shoes ($100 or more) and scoff in disgust. Really? THAT MUCH for one pair of shoes? No thanks. But then I’d turn around and spend nearly the same amount on 3-4 pairs of shoes and be psyched. So I had the money to spend, I just wanted to get the most for that amount. It makes sense. And certainly if those 3-4 pairs of shoes were all comfortable and fit perfectly and looked cute – then great!
More often than not though, I’d get a pair or two in that mix that didn’t fit, or even hurt because they were cheap and poorly made. I would get exactly what I paid for. I’m not saying that every expensive pair of shoes is worth the price. But if they’re comfortable, versatile, and will last you a few years, then they’re certainly better than the crappy shoes you got for $20 or less that you’ll never wear again because they were painful to walk around in. Tsubo shoes offer comfort, style, and quality kicks that might be a little more than you’d like to spend, but trust me, guys – they are worth every penny.
I have two pairs that I’m absolutely in love with. These are shoes that I’ll wear multiple times per week or month and I know they won’t pinch or fall apart.
The Rylees are laceless oxford with a patent cap toe and an extra-cushioned heel and they are heaven. They come in four colors: sangria (shown here), dark navy, black patent, and solid black. If I can wear them with any of my skinnies or with tights and a cute dress, my winter wardrobe is SET.
Order yours here.
And then I found Tace. At first, I was intimidated as sh**, as I usually am when I find a pair of heels I like but know I probably won’t be able to walk in. Heels just aren’t really my thing. I’ve never been graceful in heels and it’s just safer for myself and those around me if I stick with flats. But I kept an open mind and tried these suckers on. And, guys? I could walk! I could walk for more than two minutes without falling down!
I fully expected to hate them eventually and need to send them back, but I’ve worn them multiple times already this winter and they’re still glorious. They’re comfortable. ACTUALLY COMFORTABLE. I don’t think I’ve ever had a heel this height that was comfortable. This style comes in black and grey suede, so both will compliment any outfit.
Order yours here.
Or, check out their other awesome styles. You’ll surely find something you like. And seriously, your feet are worth the splurge if they’re comfortable.