Item of the Day: Study Footwear
Where are we supposed to draw the line between collector and hoarder these days? Regardless of your answer, I’m certain I would be considered a hoarder. Of shoes. I cannot control myself. I never pay full price, so I guess that’s something. And the brighter and flashier, the better. Can you blame me though, when I find a pair like this?
I mean, come on. These kick ass. I found these on Urban Outfitters, and immediately I began figuring out which grocery items I could do without for the next few days in order to get these. Turns out that root beer, instant rice and frozen breakfast sandwiches are not as high on my list of priorities as I would’ve thought. Not when shoes like this are available. The best thing about this purchase, and every pair of Study Footwear, is that a percentage of the proceeds go into producing Study-branded school supplies like notebooks, pencils, erasers, etc and given back to inner-city kids who need them.
Chris Stamp, founder of Stampd’ LA, introduces Study Footwear. With a celebrity following by the likes of Lil Wayne and Pharrell Williams, the San Diego native has reached out to a wider demographic, by launching Study Footwear. A more budget-friendly yet fashionable line of unisex shoes. The new line also promotes Stamp’s philanthropic project, Study for Shoes, which is aimed to inspire and engage youth in the arts including music, illustration and fashion design.
These shoes can be purchased from Urban Outfitters, Karmaloop and other online retailers.
Featured image via Stampdla
Additional images via Urban Outfitters and Study Footwear Blog