Item of the Day: Starbars

Around 3:23pm, every single day, my stomach begins to growl and I crave something sweet. This is my daily exercise in mature decision making and willpower. What I really want to do is pour chocolate syrup down my throat and wash it down with marshmallows. Luckily, I only make a bad call like that once a month when Flo arrives.

For the remaining 29-30 days of the month, I’m armed with nutritious snack options that help me win this ongoing battle. Starbars is my new go-to in snack bars. First of all, there’s the obvious convenience of being able to eat these on the go. Which is so, SO key, because you can’t always be at home near your stocked fridge when hunger strikes.

But secondly, Starbars are made with raw, organic, superfood ingredients so you aren’t stuck eating a block of sugar (which is the case with most snack bars). Starbars come in five flavors: Beauty – Apple Berry Chia, Brain – Mint Chocolate Chip, Detox – Strawberry Apple Ginger, Libido – Chocolate Covered Raisins, and Skinny – Apple Lemon Chia. AND they’re all 170 calories or less.


Order yours here.