Item of the Day:
Online dating seems to be, well, the new dating, period. I’m terrified of the idea but so many of my friends participate and some with great success. Enter a new dating site, HowAboutWe brings a fresh twist to the online dating scene. Instead of browsing through profiles, you browse through dates. Or, you post the date you want to go on. Yes, actual ideas of what a person wants to do. Want to go fishing? Roller skating? A museum visit? Pose or find the activity that suits you best, get to know the person on the other end, then take it offline and into the real world! There’s even HowAboutWe for couples. It’s a creative way to keep the spark alive. The heart of HowAboutWe, for singles and couples, is to simply go on better dates! If you would like to learn more, please go to Read up. Try it out. Post your date idea. Meet someone new. Then, go out and have some fun!