Item of the Day: Honk If You Love Feminism Tee Shirt

The other day I got to see the wonderful and amazingly talented Nadia Kamil perform. (If you don’t know her, look her up immediately on that link.) Anywho, she designed this amazing tee shirt and I want one so badly I don’t even know what to do.

From the site:

“£1 from the sale of this tee goes to Arts Emergency and £1 to  Women & Children First (UK).

“I like going running, but I find that often when I exercise outdoors I get a lot of harassment. I found I had men shouting at me and cars and vans honking at me. What fun it is to be a woman!

So instead of getting annoyed with this behaviour I decided to turn it into a positive. I made a t-shirt that said “Honk if you love feminism”

So some of your money even goes to a good cause!

Buy the shirts here for £15 or approximately $24.

(Image via)

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