Item of the Day: “Confessions of a Hater” by Caprice Crane
Imagine entering high school with a handbook on how to take down the mean girls, how to successfully woo your crush, and how to dominate the next four years of your life. That’s power. That’s a dream come true. We all wish we could’ve had something like that to guide us.
Which is what makes Caprice Crane’s new book, Confessions of a Hater, so accessible and magnificent. Her heroic leading lady, Hailey Harper, moves to Hollywood with her family and is about to face the terror of entering a new school and trying to make new friends. The upside of that, is the chance for Hailey to reinvent herself before meeting people that don’t know anything about her past. When she finds her sister Noel’s old journal filled with tips on “How to be a Hater”, Hailey follows it to a tee and begins a journey of self discovery as she spends time as a member of the “popular” crew and then as one of the “invisibles”.
No matter where you are in life, this book will transport you back to the struggles of high school. You’ll love Hailey, and you might end up hating her just as much. High school isn’t a black and white experience, and Caprice Crane brilliantly explores the grey.
Confessions of a Hater will be released on 8/27 (today, YAY!) so make sure you pick up a copy and settle in. You won’t be able to stop reading once you start.