Item of the Day: Brassica and Brine Sauerkraut

Brassica and Brine is a small fermentation company based in Los Angeles, making some of the best sauerkraut in the country. I can’t say I ever actually thought much about sauerkraut until I tasted Brassica and Brine’s Four Thieves Sauerkraut recently, and I became an instant convert.

If you’re wondering why so many healthy-living advocates are getting into sauerkraut, it’s because it’s packed with naturally occurring probiotics–those beneficial bacteria that keep us alive and healthy (we’ve got hundreds of trillions of them in our bodies).

The company was founded by Uri Laio who learned his skills on Adamah Farm in Connecticut. He makes his products in LA with the same methods he learned on the farm, but using local Southern California organic produce–and you can literally taste superior quality.

Brassica and Brine products are available at fine retailers coast-to-coast from Benz’s Gourmet in Brooklyn, to Publican Quality Meats in Chicago, to The Chosen Knish in Atlanta, to Salumeria in San Francisco, and all around Los Angeles. Check out their website to order direct: Follow them on Facebook for regular updates: