Item of the Day: Blue Water Comics Marilyn Monroe Tribute
Let me start off by saying that I’m not really a comic girl. Don’t get me wrong–I totally wish I was. I always wanted to be that fan who walked out of the Batman movies and was all like, “Ugh, the comic was so much better.” But I just never really got into them.
This one may have converted me, guys. Blue Water Comics released a Tribute comic to Marilyn Monroe. Lemme tell you, homie had a tough life. I never saw My Week With Marilyn (I know, I’m awful) so I was unaware how complex her life was. Everyone knows the image of Marilyn, but how many people truly know the story?
This comic has not only great illustrations (like the cover image featured to the right) but a rather engaging story! The dialogue between the characters reveals a lot about Marilyn’s family life, her several romances and her struggle to become famous – something I never realized. I figured with a body like that, who wouldn’t want to put her on the big screen? The story flows like a conversation and is super easy to read.
If you are a fan of Marilyn’s, comics, a little bit of both or neither (aka a living, breathing human) I say check this out. It will take maybe 15 minutes to flip through, but you will leave it with a list of things to Wikipedia. I’m about to get stuck in a wiki-hole myself, ’cause Arthur Miller – like, WHAT??
You can purchase the comic here! Tell me what you think below and feel free to make more comic suggestions. This one’s got me rather curious!!
Comic written by Dina Gachman, cover by Rob Aragon, artist Nathan Girten.