Item of the Day: Betty White Valentines
Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays because it’s all about the most important thing in the world: candy. It’s also about love, and there’s nothing on this Earth I love more than the Golden Girls. They are, without a doubt, the fiercest and funniest lady quartet to ever grace the small screen.
Although I’ve always considered myself a Dorothy (we both stay home on Saturday nights and look amazing in cowl turtlenecks), I love Rose Nylund, too. She’s charmingly stupid, totally sweet and she’s played by the queen herself, Betty White. What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than with a card that asks “Will you accept this Rose?”
Give this card to your BFF, your mom or your significant other. Or your boss, your mailman or your grandpa. This card is appropriate for all the special people in your life. You can order your very own Rose valentine from Seas and Peas on Etsy.
Image via Seas and Peas