Item of the Day: Arrested Development Magnets

It’s no secret by now that a large majority of us at HelloGiggles just love Arrested Development. When the entire fourth season was released on Netflix a few weekends ago, I spent my entire Sunday doing a marathon of every new episode. I couldn’t feel my legs, and my couch has a permanent imprint, but know what? It was worth it.

That being said, I am in love with these Arrested Development-themed magnets from ArthursPlaidPants over at Etsy (especially the “Her?” egg). Created by Jen Husted-Goss over in Chicago, her artwork is a perfect mix of innocent and adorable. Besides the Etsy shop, you can find her work at a few select stores in Kentucky, Michigan, Iowa, and Illinois.

Jen offers 4 different sets of magnets (Gob, Lucille, Buster, and the general set you see above), and more sets are coming soon. If you’re not a magnet fan, or are unsure of how they work, she also offers a few of the designs in pin-form. The sets of 4 magnets run for ten bucks, while the deluxe set of 6 runs for twelve.

Each magnet is 1″ – so there’s definitely room on your fridge for about 900 of them. You need an upgrade from the magnetic poetry, don’t you? (I mean, the concept was good, but let’s be honest – the execution just didn’t work out the way you had hoped.)

One thing’s for sure – These magnets won’t be a huge mistake.

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