Item of the Day: Arrested Development Inspired Engraved Pencil Pack

Holy. Smokes. Somebody better get me a vodka rocks (with a piece of toast included since it’s still breakfast), one of those gold necklaces with a “T” on it (apparently that’s a cross but from where?), and some ostrich-skin boots (I do deeply care about nature but the ostriches…) so I can sit down and fully enjoy this 12 pack of Arrested Development inspired engraved pencils in style!

While everyone, or maybe just me, is trying to patiently await that beautiful moment on May 26th when a new season of the critically acclaimed but cancelled then brought back to cult classic life series Arrested Development will premiere on Netflix, Etsy shop owners Bridgette and Mike at the Earmark don’t have time for the final countdown. Their Number 2 pencil set ($15 for a set of 12 pencils) come with four great quotables from the series including:

I BLUE MYSELF – Tobias Fünke (3 blue pencils)

I’VE MADE A HUGE MISTAKE – Gob Bluth (3 blue pencils)

A BANGER IN THE MOUTH – Ms. Featherbottom aka Tobias Fünke (3 white pencils)

A MILLION F#@$ING DIAMONDS! – Lindsay Fünke (3 silver pencils)

Don’t make these pencils return from whence they came – in the words of Tobias, get a little “buy-curious” and pick up a set today!

Psst – if you guys could add a “Do Not Order the Skip’s Scramble” and “There’s Always Money in the Banana Stand” pencils into the set, that would be perfection.

Image courtesy of Earmark’s Etsy shop.

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