Item Of The Day: Pretty Silk Scarves = All the Glamour
Because there are moments when you just know in your heart to take it up a notch, when you wake up and decide TODAY IS MY DAY, I want to do a little extra, today I want to feel more feminine and more special and prettier than all those other days. Today I will tie a wispy-glam scarf around my head and I will imagine I am driving in a convertible in some exotic countryside with a steady love or maybe someone I just met and we are heading on a great adventure. Or I am moody and mysterious and walking in a trench coat into a misty spring night on my way to a dark, flickery bar to meet a destiny I don’t know I have yet and when I arrive I will remove my scarf and my hair will be perfect and smooth because thank you scarf, thank you for everything. Etsy Vintage Silk Scarves, prices vary