Item Of The Day: The Prettiest Magnets for Spring

I’m a longtime Etsy-obsessive. I tend to peek in and then linger and then troll hard around the site, find my favorites, stalk their favorites, build out my cart, realize what I’ve put in said cart is crazy impractical and hoarder-y (I don’t need three sets of vintage deer salt and pepper shakers, no, I do not), minimize cart, buy things, begin cycle again.

As part of this process, I discover lots of amazing artists and craftspeople whose work I’ll follow and collect for a long time. Today, I found the Togetherness line, by Australian artist Esther Sandler and, when I did, the part of my body that loves looking at and touching and buying and owning things exploded into a a million sparkles of love.

It’s fair to say I want everything in Sandler’s 69-piece collection (I mean JUST LOOK at this, this, and this), but I’m especially fixated on these flower magnets, which are handmade and delicate and affordable, and just pretty and interesting enough that I’d want to look at them every day.

Spring Garden magnets, $18

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