Iskra Lawrence recalls that one time a photographer told her he wasn’t comfortable with her un-photoshopped body

If you’re involved in the body positive movement, which celebrates beauty and health at any and every size, you’re probably familiar with Iskra Lawrence. Lawrence is an awesome model who works with the Aerie campaign that employs photos of women representing all sizes in their clothing, which if you ask us, is pretty darn empowering. Even Lawrence, however, has heard damaging and negative things about her body.

In fact, according to Lawrence’s interview with Seventeen, a photographer literally told Lawrence he was “uncomfortable” with images of her body without them being photoshopped. Ugh!

As Lawrence explains the memory at Seventeen, "I tested with a photographer about a year ago and loved the pictures at the shoot. He sent me the pictures two weeks after and he retouched the hell out of them. I said to him, "I don't feel like I can use these. Can you send me the raw files?" and he was like, "No, I'm not comfortable with that, and I was kinda of like, "Oh OK, so you don't think I'm good enough unretouched?"

Talk about traumatic, right? Luckily, Lawrence has had many amazing experiences with photographers, too.

When asked about Aerie's campaign, Lawrence shares her happiness with the project and feelings of self-acceptance, saying,"After so many years of being rejected and having my body scrutinized...for Aerie to come along and basically say, "we accept you, we don't care about your size."

She adds, "To see those pictures on a Times Square billboard and they were completely unretouched, I just was like, 'Wow. I finally feel good enough!' It was just such a moment for me, that's why it really makes me emotional and really means so much to me because for so long I struggled with myself."

Lawrence’s Instagram proudly shares images that celebrate her body, along with plenty of makeup-free selfies. Lawrence is all about empowerment, and we’re all about her!

Whether you’re a model or not, it’s normal to struggle with body image. After all, with so many messages about what women should look like and how we should dress, it’s hard not to become self-conscious and feel overwhelmed. Luckily, role models like Lawrence exist to help us practice self-love and self-care, no matter what our bodies look like.

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