Hold the phone: There’s a ‘PLL’ e-rumor that Aria is A?
Can you handle some juicy Pretty Little Liars gossip? A mere one week before PLL‘s quick return to our small screens for the highly-anticipated Christmas episode, Aria herself, (OK Lucy Hale, herself) dropped quite a bombshell to Entertainment Tonight about the continued mystery surrounding A.
If you need a quick refresher, A is the mysterious person (boy, girl, human, animal, alien . . . literally A could be anyone) who has been tormenting Aria, Hanna, Spencer, and Emily since the mysterious disappearance of their friend, Alison. We’ve come so close a few times to really unmasking who is behind all of the creepy texts — and genuinely life threatening situations — but it’s never fully panned out. Now, Hale mentions that A might have been under our noses this whole time: Aria could be A! Read that again: ARIA COULD BE A. Ok breathe, one more time: ARIA COULD BE A!!!
“It would make sense,” Hale told ET, “I mean, she’s always kind of, like, missing. It’s usually like the three girls and Aria’s never there. And when you think back over the past five and a half seasons, it does kind of make sense.” Then, to add fire to the A flame, Hale mentions that she would love to play the “bad guy.” Say it isn’t so, dear, sweet, artsy, complicated Aria.
We don’t want to believe this terrible rumor but it does actually make sense. The mysterious entity of A is definitely someone we’ve met before, someone incredibly close to the girls, and wouldn’t it be disturbingly twisted if it turned out to be Aria? Plus the clues have been there from the beginning: from specific wardrobe choices, to Mona’s nickname for Aria “Big A,” to cryptic tweets sent by the show’s creator, to that whole weird thing where Ezra was A and then he wasn’t — could they have all just been red herrings?? A quick Google proves there are a lot of conspir-A-cy theories out there about Aria being A, with fans defending how and why this could be possible.
My personal A hint for Aria being the soon-to-be-revealed villain simply revolves around the fact that she is always wearing that darn ‘A’ necklace. Not too subtle.
Of course, it’s always possible that Aria/Lucy and the PLL powers-that-be are just trying to throw us off. A few “Aria is so NOT A” moments jump to mind immediately — like when she sobbed on that ski lift with Ezra, or got terrifyingly trapped in that box on the train. True fans of the show know we’ve been down this “could it be him/her” road too many times to count, and we won’t fully believe anyone is A until the information is OFFICIALLY signed, sealed, and delivered. Until then, we’ll keep clue hunting, A guessing, and crossing our fingers that Aria hasn’t been messing with her friends (and us!) all along.
What do you guys think? Could Aria be A? We’ll find out more clues when PLL‘s Christmas, “How A Stole Christmas” airs December 9.