Looks like your iPhone is probably lying to you about its battery life

The iPhone 6S and 6S Plus are seriously loaded with cool features. We especially love that some of these features recognize different types of touch pressures. We love the motion wallpapers. And we love that rose gold color option, of course. But the hands-down best feature about the new iPhones? Their battery longevity.

Or, so we thought. It turns out that many iPhone 6S and 6S Plus users are experiencing some serious battery problems. Have you ever noticed that the battery life jumps from 50% down to 25%, and then suddenly down to 10%? Yeah. It’s SUPER frustrating and annoying and deceiving. Here we were thinking we had half of our phone juice left, and then, surprise! We find out that it’s just a quarter. Not cool, Apple.

The company explains the problem in this support doc. It seems to come about from manually changing the time on your phone, or changing time zones. For some reason, those two actions lead to the dreaded false battery life bug. Here’s Apple’s official statement:

Apparently what you have to do to stop this massive battery leak is

1. Restart your phone.

2. Go to Settings, and then General, and then Date & Time, and see if your Set Automatically is on.

3. And if this doesn’t work, ask Apple for help. If you still have battery life, that is.

Hopefully a fix for the bug will be coming soon. Until then, you can try Apple’s seemingly simple suggestions. And maybe just keep an extra eye on that battery icon.

(Featured image via Shutterstock/Twin Design)