The iPhone 8 could fix all your phone charging problems — no more charging cables!

We normal folks might still be adjusting to the world of the iPhone 7’s missing headphone jack, but the tech world is already guessing about what’s coming next. There’s a bunch of rumors already swirling about the iPhone 8, and one piece of news has us jumping for joy.

The next generation of Apple smartphones might have wireless charging capabilities, according to Brit+Co. That’s right, you could potentially charge your phone from across the room someday! It’s all because of a company called Energous, which specializes in long-range wireless charging, says Fast Company.

The future is seriously NOW!

Basically, whenever your phone is within a 15-foot radius of the WattUp transmitter, it’ll start charging using radio frequencies. You don’t even have to think about it. A world where you can never forget to charge your phone while you sleep could be in your future!

Imagine the beauty of a cord-free world in this video created by Energous.

In addition, there are more exciting rumors about the iPhone 8. One is that the new phone could come without a Home button, incorporating fingerprint technology right into the glass. Another big change could be the design—Forbes reports that the screen may be curved, and that buttons could be replaced by touch sensors in key places, including the back. How you use your phone might completely change in a couple years. Crazy, right?