This invention promises to literally turn off your period cramps

We’ve pretty much all been victims of the menstrual cramp at one point or another, right? One moment, you’re going about your daily business, when all of a sudden, BAM. You’re out of commission for anywhere from a few seconds to an entire day. And for those women who suffer from unbearable menstrual pain to the point where even going to work is something that seems impossible, a pill that takes a while to start working (and only reduces pain as opposed to eliminating it) or a not-so-discreet heating pad just might not be enough.
Well, guess what? There’s a new invention called Livia that is being marketing as “The Off Switch for Menstrual Pain.” It’s a drug-free little device that, when worn and activated with a touch, “closes the ‘pain gates’ by stimulating the nerves and blocking the pain from passing to the brain.” It also promises to work immediately, unlike pills – whose effects can take a while to kick in. Oh, and it also comes in a variety of cute colors, because why not?
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