We’re loving everything about this interview Benedict Cumberbatch did for MTV

It’s been a pretty solid year for Benedict Cumberbatch, and 2017 looks like it might be just as rewarding. See, Benedict Cumberbatch was interviewed by MTV about Doctor Strange recently, and also highlighted the multiple other projects he’s working on. And, not only has Cumberbatch (who has the most fun last name to type) been busy on camera, but he’s been busy with his family, as well. His wife, Sophie Hunter, is pregnant with their second child, and Cumberbatch is more than ready for round 2 of fatherhood.
Cumberbatch was interviewed by Josh Horowitz, who gave him a bit of a Q&A about Doctor Strange. Also mentioned? His upcoming gig on Saturday Night Live. Even if you’re not the biggest Cumberbatch fan in the world, it’s worth watching. I mean, that accent. It’s so soothing.
Watch it all? Good. Let’s go over what we learned.
The weirdest place he’s been asked for a photo? In the midst of a… bathroom emergency.
"Literally going into a bathroom, like, a washroom. Literally running to the loo," Cumberbatch said.
(Note to fans: He’ll probably pose with you when he’s done. It’ll be a more comfortable-looking shot for Instagram, anyway!)
His feelings on hosting Saturday Night Live?
"I don't know how it works... Certain things have popped up. There's a certain thing called an election coming up?" Cumberbatch joked, when asked if he has any ideas for his episode. "As far as material for SNL, that's obviously been kicking around my head."
Cumberbatch is looking forward to it, noting that being live is a completely different experience than anything else he’s done.
(He’ll be on the show this Saturday, November 5th. Mark your calendars!)
And now, the Star Wars question — if he could cast himself as anyone in the franchise, who would it be?
"I mean, like most kids growing up on that franchise, Han Solo," Cumberbatch said. "But I think that part is already taken... In a parallel universe, what a great role."
What a great role, indeed. But, Cumberbatch has enough on his plate for now. After Doctor Strange, he’ll be in big movies like Avengers: Infinity War and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. We have a feeling that we’ll be seeing a lot of this guy in the future.