Instagram’s new app is obsession-worthy
Get ready to gif yourself. “What do you mean by ‘gif yourself,’” you may be wondering. Let us explain. Instagram is introducing a new app called Boomerang that will let you shoot a video on your phone and gif it up. Except it’s not a gif or a video. It’s a Boomerang.
The company explains on its blog, “Boomerang takes a burst of photos and stitches them together into a high-quality mini video that plays forward and backward.” You can shoot in landscape or portrait and share the results on Instagram and Facebook.
The release video shows some great uses of the app with soap bubbles and dogs (always a win), but we have some other ideas. Drake could Boomerang his dance moves to “Hotline Bling” (heh heh), Amy Schumer can Boomerang us some live action of her niece The Dutchess and we think every celebrity should Boomerang the worst questions they get on the red carpet along with their reactions.
The best Boomerangs, however, will be science experiments gone wrong. It just seems like the perfect medium for a vinegar and baking soda volcano explosion.
If you’d like to explore, the Boomerang app is available in the Apple and Google Play app stores now. We suggest you start by filming your pet and see how it goes from there.
(Image via Vimeo)